Quick Takes
Thank you for taking the time to read the collection of my latest blogs relating to Strategic Doing. As you know, I am passionate about this work and where it is going - for example, my work with Collaborations, Networks, and Ecosystems. Please follow our team as we emphasize the strategic value of focused regional collaborations and open innovation, network-based models in today’s global economy.
Want to keep on on the latest Quick Takes and Newsletters from the Agie Strategy team? Click below.
- Celebrate the Small Wins
- Strategic Doing & Positive Defiance
- The Ingenuity Gap
Visual & Verbal Strategy Practice
Adapting Through Knowledge and Learning
- How GE Lost Its Competitive Edge
- A Practitioner's Model of Ecosystems
- Wicked Problems Require a Different Approach
Collaboration: A Process of Recombinant
Strategic Doing Under the Hood