Fostering Synergy: Uniting Central and North Wisconsin for Entrepreneurial Growth
“Building an entrepreneurial ecosystem in central and north Wisconsin” was the focus of the Strategic Doing Workshop lead by Liz Nilsen and Janyce Fadden from the Agile Strategy Lab. Carie Winn, who helped spearhead the project and who represented the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, said “it was an opportunity to get people together for a common goal.”
The Workshop was designed for various organizations in central and north Wisconsin to learn to collaborate. Participants ranged from educators and tourism to the chamber of commerce and local corporations. The full day Workshop was designed by the Agile Strategy Lab team around the needs of group. They had 7 different interactive themes that pulled in all participants – but the main objective was for them all to build a working relationship.
“This was an opportunity to build collaboration in common across the community” Carie says of the Workshop. The secondary goal was the projects that came out of the Workshop but the primary was to bring people together to accomplish those goals. “This was a great kick start for all our organizations to work together” Carie says of the training.