Seeing the World with S Curves
My mentor David Morgenthaler, taught me the importance of seeing the world with S curves. It’s a shorthand version of seeing organizations and markets as a living system.
Read MoreHow to Become Better at Implementation
The US is good at invention but not very good at implementation. We have generated a boatload of Nobel prizes but stumble at the broader challenges of technology adoption and deployment.
Read MoreRedefining Work: Three Forces That are Reshaping Jobs
THREE FORCES THAT ARE RESHAPING JOBS Rotman Management Magazine1 May 2018By John Hagel, Jeff Schwartz and Josh Bersin Three forces of change are leading to a profound shift in the…
Read MoreRebuilding Economies of Poor Neighborhoods
Spent time yesterday with Darryl Graves, and a team from Ohio’s Office of Re-entry in the Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections. We can do so much better to build positive community networks to help returning citizens: people who have paid their debt to society through incarceration.
Read MoreDeveloping Entrepreneurial & Innovation Ecosystems
Developing entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystems matters to regenerate our economies. But too few civic and political leaders know why this step is so important. What’s worse, they don’t know how…
Read MoreThe magic ingredient in ecosystem development
What’s the magic ingredient in ecosystem development? That’s the topic of our newest podcast episode. We’ve been through a lot in the past eleven months – and in many parts…
Read MoreGetting ready for the next big challenge
Next Tuesday we launch the “next edition” of our online course, Building an Agile Economy. Every leader in every community and region needs to be thinking now about how to…
Read MoreSeeing Our Economy with New Eyes
The coronavirus can teach us a lot about the true nature of our economy. The most important lesson: for decades, we’ve fundamentally misunderstood how our economy works. Our economic policy…
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