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Visual & Verbal Strategy Practice

Strategy practice now requires both verbal and visual language. Both must be clear and simple. But here's the rub. Finding the simplicity on the other side of complexity is not...

The Ingenuity Gap

Our ingenuity gap continues to grow. Our inability to design and guide "innovating networks" has led to the gap. But here's the good news. We can close the gap if...

Strategic Doing and Positive Deviance

In a turbulent world, strategy becomes everyone's business. Effective strategy requires us to link, leverage, and align resources to achieve shared outcomes. Collaboration can create new solutions to wicked problems. But...

Celebrate the Small Wins

In our work, we emphasize the importance of small wins when generating solutions for big, complex problems. The reason: that's how you develop and leverage the power of networks. WHY...
InBIA participants in Indy

Entrepreneurial ecosystem building in high gear in Indy

Entrepreneurial ecosystem building is key to community and national vitality. While our economy continues to experience post-pandemic bumps, this theme has been a constant in many of the conversations we...

Collaboration: A Process of Recombinant Innovation

Collaboration. It's the least understood term in the management lexicon. So let's start there.  COLLABORATION: A PROCESS OF RECOMBINANT INNOVATION  If you scour the management literature for a clear understanding...

Redefining Work: Three Forces That are Reshaping Jobs

THREE FORCES THAT ARE RESHAPING JOBS Rotman Management Magazine1 May 2018By John Hagel, Jeff Schwartz and Josh Bersin Three forces of change are leading to a profound shift in the...

Scaling the Application of Strategic Doing into Ecosystem Building

In 1992, a physicist in Singapore opened my eyes to the power of networks. A Ph.D. from MIT, he had recently left one of our federal labs. He was chief...

Rebuilding Economies of Poor Neighborhoods

Spent time yesterday with Darryl Graves, and a team from Ohio's Office of Re-entry in the Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections. We can do so much better to build positive community networks...

What’s So New about the New Economy?

When Netscape launched in the early 1990s, we started moving into the economy driven by open innovation, knowledge, and networks. The Internet is our first interactive mass medium, and it...

Strategic Doing and the 5 Phases of the S-Curve

Some years ago, Deming told us, "if you can't describe what you're doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing." This is where scholars run into trouble. They...


In 1984, I worked as a strategy consultant for General Electric. My firm, spun out by former partners of the Boston Consulting Group, conducted production cost studies for General Electric....

A Practitioner’s Model of Ecosystems

Ecosystems fascinate scholars. New publications are skyrocketing. Yet, when it comes to understanding ecosystems and how they form, scholars can quickly get wrapped around the axle. A practitioner perspective is...

Wicked Problems Require a Different Approach

Have you ever picked up the wrong tool to do a job? Perhaps a screwdriver too big or pliers too small? That's happening every day in our organizations, as leaders...

