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Strategic Doing in IT Project Management

Collaboration is a process, not a thing or an event. The process involves co-creation, recombinant innovation, and abductive logic: creating new value from existing assets. You don't tell people to collaborate....
Insights into Collaborations & Innovating Networks

Insights into Collaboration & Innovating Networks

The central question: How do we do strategy in networks? To answer that question, we need to explore networks in a bit more detail. We can easily distinguish three types...

Developing Entrepreneurial & Innovation Ecosystems

Developing entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystems matters to regenerate our economies. But too few civic and political leaders know why this step is so important. What's worse, they don't know how...

Creating a Safe Place

Strategic conversations answer the two key questions of strategy. Where are we going? How will we get there? These conversations require a psychologically safe space.  CONDUCTING STRATEGIC CONVERSATIONS We are...

Difference between Goals and Outcomes

Yesterday, a colleague asked why we don't use the term "goals" with Strategic Doing. Instead, we focus on outcomes that we can measure. What's the difference? The drawing below explains....
Strategic Doing under the hood

Strategic Doing Under the Hood

This graphic takes you under the hood of how an agile strategy process works within open networks, teams, and collaborations, including the development of ecosystems. Here are the key points: 1....

Insights from Ecuador: Moving to Network Thinking

Networks -- collaborations, open innovation, clusters, ecosystems -- drive an economy forward. Yet, many of today's leaders are lagging behind.  It's understandable.  They developed their skills in an Industrial Age,...

Aaron Beck and Strategic Doing

Aaron Beck, the father of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) died this week. He had a powerful influence on the development of #strategicdoing. This strategy practice is designed to create a collective,...
Network and collaboration

Collaboration is a Process

In completing the research for my dissertation, it surprised me that the most insightful work on collaboration was published in 1990. Written by Michael Schrage, the book carries the surprising...

Leadership as Art

Artists can help us see around corners. They can tap into our unconscious mind to make us aware. They can present us with unique vantage points from which to see...
Deep Dive podcast image

Listen in: Ed Morrison on Strategic Doing

In addition to the Agile Strategy Lab podcast, the Lab's team members are frequently invited to participate in others - it's often an interesting conversation in part because of the...

A Trip into the Swampy Lowlands

Put on your boots. In this post, we are heading into the swampy lowlands of real-world problems. But first, some background. Each year, the BBC presents a lecture series, called...

Closing triangles: A key to stronger networks

"How do we strengthen networks?" "Close triangles." "That's it?" "That's a start." That conversation took place between Valdis Krebs and me in 2003.  Valdis is an expert in social network analysis. At...

Recombinant Innovation: It’s all about the networks

Recombinant innovation links and leverages assets to define new solutions. A classic example: the iPhone, a combination of existing technologies. Apple's genius came in designing and guiding complex supplier networks...

