Practitioner training at Howard University
This week, we kick off our partnership with Howard University. We are conducting a 2.5 day practitioner training at the beautiful new Interdisciplinary Research Building in Washington DC. Here is a additional background on how Howard University is building its innovation ecosystem. This past week, the Washington Business Journal explained how a new innovation incubator will be launching.
Our relationship with Howard University started under the Pathways to Innovation initiative, guided by National Center for Engineering Pathways to Innovation at Stanford University and VentureWell.
Working closely with the Howard University team, led by Grant Warner in mechanical engineering, we have formed a partnership to conduct training in agile strategy in Washington. This week’s training represents our kickoff.
The Founder of the Lab at UNA and co-author of Strategic Doing: 10 Skills for Agile Leadership, Ed’s work has focused on developing new models of strategy specifically designed to accelerate complex collaboration in networks and open innovation. He is the original developer of Strategic Doing.