Posts Tagged ‘collaboration’
Collaboration: An Infinite Game
A deep transformation is taking place across every organization, every region, every economy. It’s a shift from closed, linear hierarchical thinking to more open, adaptive network thinking. But there’s a…
Read MoreCollaboration
Collaboration is a process of creating shared benefits. It’s also a process of co-evolution, of growing and adapting. Business punditry too often presents collaboration as a thing, or, worse, as a single event.
Read MoreCollaboration: A Process of Recombinant Innovation
Collaboration. It’s the least understood term in the management lexicon. So let’s start there.
Read MoreInsights into Collaboration & Innovating Networks
The central question: How do we do strategy in networks?
Read MoreCollaboration is a Process
In completing the research for my dissertation, it surprised me that the most insightful work on collaboration was published in 1990. Written by Michael Schrage, the book carries the surprising…
Read MoreCollaboration is a process guided by a portfolio of skills
Collaboration is a process of creating shared benefits. It’s also a process of co-evolution, of growing and adapting. Business punditry too often presents collaboration as a thing, a simple activity,…
Read MoreFostering Collaboration on a Local Level
Jacob Moses and I explore how city leaders can grow their economies by fostering collaboration on a local level, including how to find existing assets in your community, how to…
Read MoreA Course for Undergrads: The Science & Practice of Complex Collaboration
About the Course FALL 2020 | TECH 39900 | ENGR 39600 Want to improve how your groups and teams work together? Want to showcase to your future employers a valuable…
Read MoreTeaching Collaboration in Middle School: New Role Playing Game
Our Agile Strategy Lab, where our work is centered at Purdue, is emerging as a global leader in the Science of Collaboration. Today we began exploring how Strategic Doing can…
Read MoreTeaching the Deep Skills of Collaboration in Middle School
In a few weeks, we will be beta testing an exciting new version of Strategic Doing: The Game. It is designed in partnership with young adult novelist Noah Knox Marshall. Ubuntu…
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