Dynamic Wireframe for Strategic Doing Innovation Platform
Continuing our work with our Scottish partner, nooQ, we have built a dynamic wireframe of the Strategic Doing Innovation Platform. Using data from our engagements with NASA, we designed the platform to follow the workflow of a Strategic Doing process.
The result is a dynamic strategy dashboard that can be used to manage complex collaborations using the 10 simple rules of Strategic Doing. Readers familiar with the agile workflow will quickly see how the dynamic strategy dashboard will work on the nooQ platform.
The Lab decided to partner with nooQ based on the company’s unique data visualization approach to communications.
We see this platform working well in highly complex environments. For example:
- Translational Research in NASA: Designing and guiding complex collaborations across NASA;
- Meeting the Grand Challenges: Developing complex cross-disciplinary teams within and among universities to take on Grand Challenges;
- Executing Corporate Strategy Using Teams: Guiding the complex work of teams within corporations to execute a strategy effectively; and
- Designing and Guiding Clusters: Managing the complex collaborations with clusters, similar to our work with the New Jersey Innovation Institute and Lockheed building a new cluster in Condition Based Maintenance for the Navy, or our upcoming work in Montana with the Montana Optics Cluster.
To learn more about the Lab’s collaboration with nooQ, contact Ed Morrison: edmorrison@purdue.edu
The Founder of the Lab at UNA and co-author of Strategic Doing: 10 Skills for Agile Leadership, Ed’s work has focused on developing new models of strategy specifically designed to accelerate complex collaboration in networks and open innovation. He is the original developer of Strategic Doing.