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Small Team Working on Rapid Improvement

Collaborate to Innovate: Mastering Process Collaboration in the Agile Era

Understanding Process Collaboration Establishing a practice of Process Collaboration is a growing method for how work needs to be accomplished when a cross-functional team or a work area with multiple...
Agile strategy lab S curve like a road

Revisiting S-Curves

Rethinking S-Curves has been on my mind lately. One of the most enjoyable parts of my work at the Agile Strategy Lab is working with Strategic Doing practitioners who are...

5 Ways to Be an Agile Leader

Leadership can feel like an endless journey in putting out fires: circumstances can change at a moment's notice. Here are 5 ways to be an agile leader: Use cognitive diversity...
Agile Strategy Lab @ Ohio University

What’s in it for me to contact the Agile Strategy Lab? 

The feedback we received from participants in the Lab’s programs is that no one ever showed them how to work with teams or how their collaboration skills could be improved....
Airplane landing

Why experiments are part of agile strategy

Experiments make people nervous, at least outside of a science lab. They feel too risky to have a place in the serious business of strategy development and implementation. But in...
NEBF Strategic Doing Training

Building a business ecosystem with agile strategies

Within the business ecosystem there are many ways to implement agile strategies. Many of these strategies use a variety of methodologies that can be embraced by the leadership team and...

What’s Your Lego?

Modularity enables small things to grow into large things. Solar cells become solar arrays that become solar power stations. Modularity also makes sense to understand living systems. It's a central...

Collaboration: An Infinite Game

A deep transformation is taking place across every organization, every region, every economy. It's a shift from closed, linear hierarchical thinking to more open, adaptive network thinking. But there's a...

Facing a Wicked Problem? Impose Constraints

Yesterday, I spent part of the day coaching an ecosystem builder in Greenville on designing a very early-stage approach -- Phase 0 -- to strengthen the region's entrepreneurial ecosystem. There's...

Appreciative Inquiry in Action

A few weeks ago I got the chance to see Appreciative Inquiry in action in Atlanta, as I joined the Spelman College faculty for a mini Strategic Doing session. Spelman,...

Car Talk: A Master Class In Either/Or Thinking

Years ago, when I was living in Cambridge, MA, I was a big fan of Ray and Tom Magliozzi, two MIT graduates who operated a car repair shop near where...
Australia Small

Unlocking Success: Exploring the Power of Structured Conversations and Decision-Making Methodologies

An exciting part of my work is when we introduce the Ten skills of Strategic Doing and help others explore how they may gain more results through a structured conversation....

A Brief Overview of Strategic Doing

Strategic Doing – a peer-reviewed, scientifically grounded practice -- teaches the discipline of collaboration and strategy in open networks. The practice works well to develop collaborations across siloed organizations, multi-disciplinary...

Complexity Thinking. What is it?

There are many ideas and no clear consensus. Here's how I have used the framework as a practitioner for over 30 years. I'll start with why complexity thinking matters.  Humankind...

