Recent Blog Posts

Collaborating with Krannert in innovation and strategic management

The Lab is working with the strategic management faculty in Krannert  to introduce the disciplines of agile strategy and collaborative leadership to second-year MBA students. The course, which will be...

Meeting the challenges of opioid addiction in Indiana

Purdue Health Advisors is working with the Lab to develop  a County-based experiment to address Indiana's opioid crisis.   we are designing an experiment that could be replicable to other...
Strategic Diversity

Lab Introduces Strategic Diversity Assessment to the Foundry

The Lab continues to develop new tools and frameworks to promote agile strategy and open, loosely connected networks. This type of strategy process is different from traditional hierarchical organizations. Network...

Lab collaborates with IBM Partner: Social Student

To extend agile strategy into the campus and engage students, the Lab has been developing a partnership with Social Student, and IBM partner company. Social Student is based on IBM...

Dynamic Wireframe for Strategic Doing Innovation Platform

Continuing our work with our Scottish partner, nooQ, we have built a dynamic wireframe of the Strategic Doing Innovation Platform. Using data from our engagements with NASA, we designed the platform to...

NASA’s Life Science Research Capabilities Team

The Lab has conducted our third Strategic Doing workshop with NASA scientists and administrators. Our prior work focused on 1) developing a strategic action plan for Space Biology, and 2)...
UNC School of Gov 2

Forming a partnership with UNC Chapel Hill School of Government

In late May, Janet Holston, head of strategic initiatives for the School of Government at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, organized over 40 faculty and staff for a day long...

Helping the Kauffman Foundation move entrepreneurial research

We've been working with the Kauffman Foundation, as they begin moving their investments in entrepreneurship research to the next level. Specifically, the foundation is looking to: Strengthen translational research in...

Teaching high school students the deep skills of collaboration

Over the last few week’s we’ve worked with two high schools: Applied Technical High School in, Bergen County, NJ and the Purdue Polytechnic High School in Indianapolis. In both cases, faculty...

Lab conducts an agile strategy workshop at the Deshpande Symposium

The Lab conducted an introduction to Strategic Doing workshop at the 6th Annual Deshpande Symposium for Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Higher Education held June 12-14, 2017 in Lowell, Massachusetts. Here's a summary...

The core team in Flint continues to rebuild neighborhoods using Strategic Doing

Several years ago, a colleague at Michigan State University, Bob Brown, asked us to question: could Strategic at doing help us reduce the teenage homicide rate in Flint? Since that...
Community Development One Pager

Redefining Community Development in the Age of Networks

The traditional approach to developing prosperous communities assumes that communities are mechanical systems. When they fail, when there is a breakdown, we must have a problem that needs to be...

Lab expands partnership with Rowan Cabarrus Community College (NC)

It's all about networks. A year ago, we conducted a Strategic Doing training at Rowan Cabarrus Community College (RCCC), north of Charlotte. We  conducted the training at the invitation of...

The regeneration of Kokomo began with Strategic Doing

Recently, the Christian Science Monitor carried a story about Kokomo's rebirth.  the article explores how citizens in Kokomo are bringing back the city through collaboration. “We are the poster child...

